Why Outsource: Grow B2B Gift Card Distribution with Better Relationships
Business relationships matter, especially in a complex industry like gift cards. But if you manage a B2B gift card program for your brand, where do you start those relationships? How do you leverage them to build your program through the right gift card distribution channels?
Relationships equal sales.
If you’re like many gift card managers, this space isn’t your primary responsibility. Maybe your job is largely focused on core marketing or finance functions. As a result, the gift card program isn’t necessarily at the top of your to-do list, so the buyer relationships you need to build a strong program won’t get the attention they deserve.
A successful gift card program also leverages all relevant distribution channels. When you’re unfamiliar with the gift card industry, you may not know where to start or which buyers to approach. How do you decide where to prioritize your efforts? What channels, distributors, and buyers will lead to your biggest and most profitable opportunities? Confusion and missed opportunity will lengthen the sales cycle or, worse, send revenue to your competition.
At Stoner Bunting Gift Cards (SBGC), gift cards are at the top of our daily to-do list. In fact, they’re the only thing on our list. We offer the strategic and support services to treat B2B buyers like valued customers, providing the attention needed to keep your brand top of mind and drive sales, so you stay ahead of the competition.
Plus, you gain access to buyers through a single point of contact at SBGC, saving you the time and resources it would take to maintain each of those buyer relationships on their own.
Relationships build the best deals.
Placing your brand within the right gift card distribution channels involves negotiation. B2B gift card buyers expect discounts to help cover their program management costs. Some buyers also expect much higher discount levels than others.
When it comes to distribution channels for gift cards, brands need to negotiate more than price, particularly when working with resellers in the grocery and drugstore channel. It’s a complex market featuring hundreds of distribution partners and hundreds of thousands of distribution points.
Partner with SBGC to give your brand the advantage of a dedicated team able to build relationships and subsequently sales with all your distribution channels, whether the buyers are involved in scrip, sales incentive programs, third-party gift card malls, or credit card rewards.
Relationships lay the foundation for program success.
Collaborative relationships with B2B buyers facilitate better program management and streamlined operations. For example, regular buyer contact ensures your brand is prepared to meet certain requirements and reduce missed opportunities, such as holiday placement deadlines. These close relationships are especially critical when working with resellers that manage grocery, drug, and big box distribution, which often require additional lead time to plan promotions.
Because SBGC’s team works as your single point of contact with each buyer, we make sure nothing gets missed. And, because we maintain those buyer relationships, we also know who to call when a problem arises.
Relationships matter.
Since 2001, we’ve been building the B2B relationships that take your gift card program where it needs to go. Leverage SBGC’s expert team to serve as your single point of contact so your brand is placed in the right gift card distribution channels.